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UDWA News Post

Raising caregiver pay and protecting IHSS are our top priorities for 2019

UDW Executive Director looks at the year ahead for caregivers

The beginning of a new year is a time to reflect and set our minds to the good things ahead. For many UDW caregivers, one of those good things is the new statewide minimum wage increase! Along with that much-needed pay raise, 2019 will also mean many opportunities for UDW caregivers to work together to protect our program and improve the lives of our clients and ourselves.

Here’s what’s happening in 2019:

• Raising IHSS Pay

Thanks to advocacy from UDW members and our allies across the state, the minimum wage increased to $12/hour on January 1 – and will continue to raise until we hit $15/hour in 2022. We will also continue to fight for higher caregiver pay at the county and statewide level through bargaining and legislative action.

• Protecting IHSS

In 2019 we are working to finally end the 7% cut to IHSS once and for all – because our clients deserve to receive 100% of the care they need (and you deserve to be paid for providing it). You can also protect IHSS by recommitting to UDW at

• Long-term care for everyone who needs it

With a new governor who has promised to make long-term care a priority, there will be a lot of new, exciting ideas about improving the long term care system for everyone. We and our allies will be there to make sure caregivers are a part of this vital discussion.

• Safety and justice for all

Too many people with disabilities and people of color are hurt or killed in police interactions every year. This year we will be ramping up our efforts by organizing our allies and partners to support legislation that will protect everyone by helping law enforcement find new strategies for dealing with crisis situations.

I look forward to working with you all this year as we protect IHSS, raise caregiver pay, and make a better California for all families!

In solidarity,
Doug Moore