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Caregivers unify around the Care Agenda, a platform to improve long-term care

Millions of Americans rely on long-term care to live with dignity at home and in our communities, yet far too many cannot afford the care they need. And the current system isn’t adequately supporting the loved ones whose family members need care — or the workers who provide it.

But caregivers in California are leading the way to make changes.

In May, members of the California Domestic Workers Coalition (CDWC) and UDW’s IHSS home care providers came together in Los Angeles to form the Care Agenda. The Care Agenda is a 4-point platform that outlines what the future of long-term care should look like to improve care and protect the dignity of seniors and adults and children with disabilities. The platform includes:

  • Long-term care for all who need it.
  • State subsidies and/or tax credits to make care affordable to all.
  • Increased options and quality of care for seniors and people with disabilities.
  • Improved working conditions and increased training for caregivers.

At the meeting, participants shared their personal stories about caring for their loved ones and clients and what they believe needs to be done to secure the future of caregiving.

“It was enlightening to hear stories from so many providers and to learn that while our struggles may be different around the state, that we all stand together as equals to put forward one strong message to the state,” said Rose Montano, a UDW member and caregiver from San Diego County.

The united group will be presenting the Care Agenda to the State as part of an effort to improve long-term care in California. And a campaign will be launched in the coming months – stay tuned!