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Days Before Congress Votes on Health Care, Vigil Spotlights Thousands in Higher Taxes, Job Losses, Health Chaos if Rep. Duncan Hunter Votes for Repeal without Replacement

Fight for Our Health Coalition

January 11, 2017

CONTACT: Crystal Young, 619.806.4677, Mike Roth, 916.444.7170, Maria Elena Jauregui, 818.355.5291 (Spanish-language)

El Cajon, CA – San Diego Area residents can expect to endure thousands of dollars in higher costs, job losses, and chaos in our local health care system if Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Alpine) votes with his Republican colleagues to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) without a replacement. At a candlelight vigil tonight outside Hunter’s office, San Diegans who are insured through the ACA joined seniors and health care professionals to tell stories of the life-threatening harm inflicted on their families and the community if Republicans succeed in repealing health care.

“Because of the ACA, I became eligible for MediCal, and it has helped me tremendously,” said Esther Torbert, a home care provider in San Diego County. “Before I had health insurance, I would avoid going to the doctor, because I couldn’t afford it.

And when my health got bad, I’d end up in the emergency room.”

Republicans in Congress are already preparing to dismantle the Affordable Care Act through the federal budget process, with crucial votes expected as early as Friday. A new poll shows three-quarters of Americans oppose repealing the law or want to see the GOP’s replacement plan before the ACA is rolled back.

Locally, the repeal would mean:

  • A $3,800 tax increase for working and middle class taxpayers in San Diego as Republicans do away with tax credits that help them buy health insurance through Covered California.[1]
  • A $1,500 average increase in out-of-pocket expenses for people who purchase individual insurance coverage.[2]
  • A $700 average increase in prescription drug costs for 351,000 seniors in San Diego County.[3]
  • 365,576 people in San Diego County who stand to lose their healthcare[4]

Statewide, five million Californians stand to lose their healthcare[5] and 334,000 jobs could be lost if the ACA were repealed without a replacement[6]. Experts say the GOP’s plans to repeal the law without a replacement would mean chaos for the entire health care system, not just those insured through the ACA.

“Without the Affordable Care Act, I know I could not afford insurance by myself,” Ms. Torbert continued. “Rep. Hunter, you represent us, and we want the same security you enjoy. We want to know that our families will have the health care we need and deserve. Vote to protect or improve the ACA – don’t take away our health care!”

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The Fight for Our Health Coalition includes Health Access, SEIU California, SEIU Local 521, SEIU-UHW, SEIU Local 2015, UFW Foundation, Dolores Huerta Foundation, UDW/ AFSCME Local 3930, Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, Project Inform, CIR/SEIU, California Alliance for Retired Americans, Community Health Initiative of Kern County, Faith in Action Kern County, California Partnership, Kern, Inyo, and Mono Counties Central Labor Council. 


[1] UC Berkeley

[2] Politifact

[3] U.S. Census, National Committee to Protect Social Security and Medicare

[4] UC Berkeley

[5] Health Access California

[6] George Washington University