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Electronic Timesheets Roll Out Statewide

Dear UDW members,

The electronic timesheet option UDW members fought for is now a reality and making a positive impact on the lives of caregivers across the state. Though the program is still new and some IHSS providers are more comfortable sticking with the paper timesheet option, many of our members are reporting an easy online sign up process, smooth electronic timesheet filing and—best of all—faster paychecks.

UDW members pushed for the electronic option because the paper system is riddled with problems that often lead to paycheck delays. And many of us wanted the option to file our timesheets without having to pay money for stamps or go to the post office. The electronic option also allows us to check timesheet and payment statuses online, check timesheet history for the last three months, and request supplemental timesheets. Even better: the system won’t let you file a timesheet with errors, which means fewer timesheet violations!

Electronic timesheets were first available in Riverside County in June and availability rolled out statewide over the summer and fall.

Whether or not you choose to use electronic timesheets, winning this option was a huge victory for UDW’s members. Our push for online timesheets helped IHSS providers across the state—and modernized the program along the way.

In solidarity,
Editha Adams, UDW President

For more about online timesheets visit