By Editha Adams, UDW President and IHSS provider
When Maria Fe Camacho needed help getting more hours for her 21-year old daughter Kelly, she turned to UDW. Kelly lives with MS and other disabilities, and needs to be constantly monitored. Maria Fe knew she need additional hours and protective supervision.
I helped Maria Fe get the necessary paperwork completed, and when Kelly was denied protective supervision, I helped her appeal the decision. Not long after we submitted the appeal, Maria Fe received a phone call telling her the protective supervision was approved without going to a hearing. With the new increase in hours, Maria Fe’s husband Thomas became one of Kelly’s IHSS providers, as well.
With the help of UDW, many IHSS providers like the Camacho family have received help getting their clients much needed hours.
Here are a few tips that may help you:
TIP 1: Exercise your right to appeal. You know your client’s needs best. If you think they were assessed less hours than they need, appeal the decision.
TIP 2: Get everything in writing. Get written documentation from your client’s doctor stating their needs and the type of care they require. If your client needs protective supervision, make sure that is in the documentation.
TIP 3: Prepare for your hearing date. Your appeal may require a hearing. Make sure all of your documentation is in order, and prepare the points you plan to make in advance.
TIP 4: Know you’re not alone. For more personalized help with your situation contact your local UDW office to get help from your Advocacy Council.