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Starting in March 2023, dues will begin being deducted by one of your agencies. 

As a reminder, CCPU members voted overwhelmingly in September 2022 to approve a new dues structure to help secure the future of our union and create a self-sustaining union that is not funded by other workers.

In this structure, the dues rate will be 1.5% of gross subsidy pay, with a monthly maximum payment of $90. Following the ratification of our next bargaining contract with the state, dues will then increase to 2% of your gross subsidy pay with the same $90 cap. 

We understand many questions remain about the dues processing process and we hope to address many of those here. Don’t see your questions answered below? Call our Member Resource Center at 800-226-7510 and they will help answer all your questions.

Why have our union dues increased?

Our membership voted  overwhelmingly last fall to create our own dues structure for self-sufficiency. For almost two decades, our union has been largely  financed  by other union members’ dues and the 10 dollars many providers invested in building their union! It is through our dues and active participation that we were able to  win a strong first union contract where providers saw pay increases, supplemental payments, covid protections, funding to help eliminate or reduce healthcare costs, and so much more! We are no longer going to be financed by other union members’ dues so it is up to us to invest in our profession, in our future, by creating a self-sustaining powerful organization that will fight to bring improvements to our industry!

Why will some members pay more than others? 

Our membership was very deliberate in creating a dues structure that is equitable across the state. We know that some members might only take care of 1 state subsidized child and can barely keep their doors open while others might take care of more than 10 state subsidized children. That is why there is also a cap of $90 dollars in place. 

Our bargaining team members  also negotiate our union contracts with equity in mind. For example, large licensed providers saw more in supplemental payments because they tend to have higher costs for running a child care business.  We also fought for per child stipends so that those that have more children, meaning more costs, also saw more money in stipends.

I cannot afford to pay the new dues

Our membership was very deliberate in creating an equitable dues structure considering how unstable the child care industry is. That is why our dues structure is percentage based. Dues are an investment providers  are making in order for their businesses to be successful. Paying dues means that your union  will have the resources to keep fighting to make improvements at the bargaining table.

It is through our dues and active participation that we were able to  win a strong first union contract where providers saw pay increases, supplemental payments, covid protections, funding to help eliminate or reduce healthcare costs, and so much more!
If you’d like to estimate your dues amount click here to access our dues calculator.